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Hey there, I'm Mike.

I usually train athletes and experienced lifters. But after observing the fitness industry through social media, I noticed that most posts are

  • Clickbait (because those glute hypertrophy programs won’t market themselves!)

  • Overcomplicated workouts/exercises

  • Models who are enhanced by photoshop, steroids, or plastic surgery

It got me thinking... are these the folks guiding the general public's fitness journey? Are they actually making a positive impact? At best, it seems that we're encouraging people to blindly follow influencers. At worst, we're setting up false expectations and spreading misinformation.

So that's my mission: to make fitness training both approachable and effective. I want to equip you with solid, research-backed training principles, all while keeping it enjoyable. And you know what's truly enjoyable? Surpassing your goals.


By the way, while I enjoy dabbling in weightlifting (also known as Olympic weightlifting), there's no pressure for you to do the same.

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